
4.1.1, 4.1.2 and Infrastructure and physical facilities

For teaching- learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc. For cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, yoga centre etc. ICT enabled facilities

Campus area with map


Campus area cultural, sports ,Yoga


 Class room with ICT Projector

2 Photo 2 Photo 2 Photo



Physical Facilities

“Daulat Vishwasth Sansth” has provided well constructed two floor building with spacious classrooms and well equipped laboratories and library. In order to create and enhance the infrastructure that facilitates effective teaching and learning, the policy is framed according to the courses available and strength of students. The institution approaches UGC and proposes various schemes for funds. The infrastructural enhancement is liberally funded on need base and on the availability of the funds.

The institution is committed to provide necessary infrastructure and facilities. The growth of infrastructure is keeping pace with the academic progress. The institution makes maximum utilization of available infrastructure.

The  college  has  sufficient  infrastructure  facilities  for conducting  curricular,  co-  curricular  and  an  extracurricular  activities.  The infrastructure is used to its optimum extent.

The infrastructural amenities available for academic activities include:

Principal Cabin Vice-Principal Cabin
Office IQAC Room
Staff Room Play Ground
Gymnasium hall Ladies Room
Pathsanstha Office (Credit Society) Lecture Halls
Library Reading Room
Multi-purpose Hall Record Room
Examination Room NSS Room
Water Storage Tank Canteen
Pure Drinking Water System Parking Shed
YCMOU Centre  

Laboratories  :

Particulars Quantity
Network Resource Centre One
Language  Lab One
Statistics  and  Mathematics one
Physics Two
Chemistry Three
Botany One
Zoology One
Botanical Garden One


Specialised facilities and equipments for teaching learning and research activities.

  • Virtual Classroom
  • LCD Projector  System and  Display Screen
  • Television , Speaker System
  • Generator
  • Computers
  • Educational  CDs

The college has following facilities for outdoor and indoor games

Outdoor  :       400 m track

Kho-Kho, Kabbadi, Volley Ball- Ground, Horizontal Bar set, Parallar Bar (compact) track and Field Event- Running Spikes, Standing Block Javelin Throw, Shot-Put Discuses throw, Hammer throw, High Jump stand, Pole Vault,     Hurdles

Indoor Games : Gymkhana  hall  with  Table Tennis facilities. Carom, Chess, Weight Lifting, Power Lifting,   Multi- Gymnasium- for Men and Women.

NSS : Well equipped office and space for storage. All the   necessary    equipments utensils etc. for day to day work and for special camps are available.

Health Center : The sanstha has made available the hospital of Daulat Sugar Factory

Language  Lab : The language lab is established with monitors cabin and seating capacity of 10 students. Students practice phonetics and communication skills.

Hostel Facility – Accommodation available  :  UGC funded Girls Hostel with 22 intake capacity is under construction.

The college has clearly marked space for the common facilities available on the campus. These facilities include IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell),Grievance Redressal Unit, Women’s Cell, Counselling and Career Guidance cell, Placement Unit,  Canteen, multi-purpose hall, college canteen with special provision for faculty and students, safe drinking water facility, and provision of auditorium etc. the details of such facilities are here as under:


Place of Location

Teacher  In charge


Room No. 4

Prof.P.A. Patil

Grievance Redressal Cell

Room No. 22

Prof. S.N.Patil

Grievance Redressal for Women

Ladies Room No. 5

Sau. J.J Vatkar

Multi-Purpose Hall

Room No.  37


Health Center

Daulat Sugar Factory Hospital

Dr. Jadhav

Career Guidance Cell

Competitive Exam

Room  No.  22

Prof. S.D. Tawdare

Examination Room

Placement  Cell

Room   No.  22

Prof. A.S.Jadhav

Dr. C. B. Potdar



Shri.   R. Ramgavade

Drinking water

Entrance Passage


NSS Office

Room No. 45

Prof U.S. Patil

Prof A.R. Chavan


Room No. 38

Sau. V.G. Kelkar


Room No. 46

Prof.  M. S. Tayade

YCMOU Centre

Room No. 45

Prof. G. J. Gavade

Path Sanstha

Room No. 22

Prof. S. M. Sahapurkar

Faculty Room

Room No. 06

Prof. M. S. Tayade

Reading Room

Room No. 39

Sau. V.G. Kelkar

Record Room

Room No. 03


Parking Shed



Virtual Classroom

Room No . 16

Dr. A.V. Dorugade

Administrative  Room

Room No. 01

Shri. N.R. Patil

IT Infrastructure

Common computer and internet facility has been made available in the library and in the Network Resource Centre at free of cost for the students and faculty. Besides, computers are made available in the departments.

The institute has provided continuous water supply through water tank. Electricity supply is provided by Maharashtra Electricity Distribution Company.  In case of emergency college has one power generator (2.1 kVA) for uninterrupted power supply.

Detatils of Computing Facility


Place of Location

Teacher In charge

IQAC Room No. 4 Prof.P.A. Patil
Grievance Redressal Cell Room No. 22 Prof. S.N.Patil
Grievance Redressal for Women Ladies Room No. 5 Sau. J.J Vatkar
Multi-Purpose Hall Room No. 37 Principal
Health Center Daulat Sugar Factory Hospital Dr. Jadhav
Career Guidance Cell Competitive Exam Room No. 22 Prof. S.D. Tawdare
Examination Room Placement Cell Room No. 22 Prof. A.S.Jadhav Dr. C. B. Potdar
Canteen Campus Shri. R. Ramgavade
Drinking water Entrance Passage ---
NSS Office Room No. 45 Prof U.S. Patil Prof A.R. Chavan
Library Room No. 38 Sau. V.G. Kelkar
Gymkhana Room No. 46 Prof. M. S. Tayade
YCMOU Centre Room No. 45 Prof. G. J. Gavade
Path Sanstha Room No. 22 Prof. S. M. Sahapurkar
Faculty Room Room No. 06 Prof. M. S. Tayade
Reading Room Room No. 39 Sau. V.G. Kelkar
Record Room Room No. 03 Office
Parking Shed Campus Peon
Virtual Classroom Room No . 16 Dr. A.V. Dorugade
Administrative Room Room No. 01 Shri. N.R. Patil

IT Infrastructure Common computer and internet facility has been made available in the library and in the Network Resource Centre at free of cost for the students and faculty. Besides, computers are made available in the departments. The institute has provided continuous water supply through water tank. Electricity supply is provided by Maharashtra Electricity Distribution Company. In case of emergency college has one power generator (2.1 kVA) for uninterrupted power supply.

Detatils of Computing Facility

Sr.No. Name of the Department Name of the Equipment
Dekstop Computer / Laptop Printer Software UPS / Battery LCD Projector /Star board / Presentor /Scaner /Screen / OHP / Fax / WI-FI Modem
1 Office Dekstop Computer (07) Laptop (03) 9 1 (CMS) 1 (Biometry) UPS -1 Battery -2 Scanner -1 Fax - 1 , Biometry machine -1 Zerox Machine - 2 WI-FI Modem
2 Principal Cabin Dekstop Computer (01) - - UPS -1 Battery -2  WI-FI Modem
3 Network Resource Center Dekstop Computer (04) - - UPS -1 Battery -1 LCD Projector - 01 Screen -01 Scanner -01 WI-FI Modem
4 IQAAC Dekstop Computer (01) 1 - - LCD Projector - 01
5 COC Dekstop Computer (01) - - White board -01
6 Audio Visual Room Laptop (01) - - - LCD Projector - 01 Screen -01, Star board -01 Visual Presentor -01 White Board -01
7 Computer Lab Dekstop Computer (13) 1 - Battery -1  WI-FI Modem
8 Library Dekstop Computer (3) - 1 (LMS) UPS -1 Battery -1 -
9 Department of Statistics Laptop (01) - 1 (Minitab) - -
10 Department of Mathematics Laptop (01) - - - OHP
11 Deaptment of Physics Dekstop Computer (02) - - UPS -1 -
12 Department of Chemistry Dekstop Computer (01) - - UPS -1 Battery -1 -
13 Department of Botany Dekstop Computer (01) Laptop (01) - - - -
14 Department of Zoology Dekstop Computer (01) - - - -
15 Department of Marathi Laptop (02) - - - -
16 Department of Sociology Laptop (01) - - - -
17 Department of Economics Laptop (01) - - - -